
Exploring the Social Benefit Model for Impactful Projects

This service aims to assist startups in understanding and analyzing the potential social impact of their projects and activities, and in determining how the company can achieve a positive effect on the communities and groups involved in its projects. Through this service, startups can identify and achieve the positive social impact of their projects, enhancing their standing in the community and contributing to sustainability and long-term success.

Details of this service include:

Social Impact Analysis

Providing a comprehensive analysis of the anticipated social impact of the company’s projects, including both direct and indirect effects on relevant communities and target groups.

Identification of Social Indicators

Identifying key social indicators that can be used to measure and evaluate the social impact of the company’s projects, helping to determine expected outcomes and assess project performance.

Social Strategy Development

Developing a comprehensive strategy to achieve the targeted social impact, including setting social goals and designing appropriate activities and initiatives.

Implementation and Monitoring of Social Programs

Executing the defined social activities and initiatives as outlined in the strategy, while monitoring program performance and evaluating its impact on the target communities.

Social Impact Assessment and Annual Reporting

Providing periodic reports that assess the social impact of the company’s projects, highlighting achieved improvements and challenges faced, thereby guiding efforts toward better achievement of the targeted goals.